Accelerate Your Trademark Protection With The Amazon Brand Registry

In today’s digital marketplace, brand owners must safeguard their intellectual property rights. If you sell or plan to sell products on Amazon, enrolling your trademark in the Amazon Brand Registry can be a game-changer.

The Amazon Brand Registry helps brand owners protect their trademarks on Amazon. Enrollment gives brand owners access to powerful tools, including proprietary text and image search, and increased authority over product listings with their brand name.

The eligibility requirements for enrolling U.S. trademarks in the registry have changed over time. Initially, it was only for owners of registered word marks. Then Amazon loosened the requirements to allow certain word/design combinations. After that, Amazon allowed owners of pending U.S. applications to enroll their marks if they used certain law firms that were part of the “IP Accelerator” program. Finally, Amazon got rid of the requirement to use IP Accelerator firms. Now anyone can enroll within a few days of filing their U.S. application.

While it’s possible to navigate this process alone, there are still benefits to using a law firm like Trust Tree to file your trademark application. We’re experts in the process and have successfully registered thousands of trademarks. We can ensure that your trademark application meets the brand registry requirements. And after enrollment, we can help you enforce your rights against competitors.

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