Trademark Application

Do I need a registered trademark?

A trademark registration is the best way to protect your trademark. A registered trademark gives you nationwide protection for your brand name, the ability to stop infringing goods at the border, and allows you to use the registered trademark symbol ®.

Should I use a trademark attorney?

The USPTO recommends that you use an attorney to file your trademark application. The trademark process begins a legal proceeding that can be difficult to navigate on your own. Our Trademark Filing Package is a great way to have an experienced attorney help you trademark a name at a low flat fee.

Our Trademark Registration Filing Package

With our trademark filing package, an experienced attorney will develop a trademark strategy that fits your business goals and budget. Your attorney will evaluate your business name, search its availability and even help you come up with a name if you’re having trouble. When it comes time to file, your attorney prepares your application, files it, and monitors your application after it’s filed. If the USPTO objects to your application, your attorney will counsel you on your options and can respond on your behalf. After you get your trademark registration, we keep track of when your maintenance fees are due. We can also monitor the USPTO database and let you know if someone tries to file a similar trademark. And, if anyone tries to infringe your trademark, the experienced litigators at Trust Tree® can help you resolve the dispute.

With our Complete Trademark Filing Package an experienced attorney will:

  • Evaluate your trademark and develop a trademark strategy for your business
  • Perform a comprehensive trademark search (a $199 value) and evaluate the results
  • Prepare and file your trademark application (includes one class of government fees)
  • Monitor your trademark application and provide notifications of its progress
  • Help you understand how to use your registered trademark, including how and where to use the trademark symbol
  • Monitor your trademark registration and notify you when maintenance fees are due


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