Trademark Searching is Dead! Long Live Trademark Searching!

Photo of a puppy with a magnifying glass

After 23 years, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is retiring its trademark electronic search system. Or, in government speak, the USPTO is retiring TESS. Supposedly, the retirement is not voluntary. TESS relies on a backend system and programming language that will no longer be supported. I don’t know about the backend and programming language, […]

TrademarkNow is Launching a Free Search

Man with binoculars

Usually things just get more expensive over time, so it’s always great news when something comes down in price. That’s especially true with something as notoriously expensive as trademark searching. So, we were tickled to find out that our search provider, TrademarkNow, is going to be offering a free search! Trademark searching is the most […]

All Clear? Practical Tips for Trademark Searches and Opinions

I had the great pleasure of participating in a panel presentation about trademark searching this morning at the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Chicago. As you may know, I regularly blog about this subject. The panel provided a thorough overview of trademark searches; including information about why searches are vital, how to properly conduct a trademark search, how searches are […]

Outlaw Trademark Issues

Last week, I wrote about how despite their less-than-savory reputations, outlaw motorcycle clubs are excellent role models when it comes to trademark strategy. It’s not surprising that trademarks are critical to these groups. The central purpose of belonging to an outlaw motorcycle club is the affiliation with the group as a whole. The trademarks of […]