Kit Kat Kan’t Katch a Break, Loses Trademark Tit for Tat with Cadbury

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! Fremde, etranger, stranger. Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante, happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay.

Unfortunately, today is not such a great day in the KitKatClub. Why? Because a European court declared that the four-finger shape of the Kit Kat candy bar did not justify a trademark under European law. Nestlé has been battling with rival Cadbury (pronounced Cad-bar-et?) to protect the shape of the popular candy since 2010.

Some say, “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” In this case, revenge is a dish best served sweet. As it appears Cadbury’s objection to the trademark may be a “kit for kat” response to Nestlé’s successful effort in 2013 to block Cadbury from trademarking its purple branding.

To bring it full circle, I wanted to post a video of “Wilkommen” from Cabaret, but the standards department at Trust Tree informed me it may be too risqué. Instead, tempt your sweet tooth with this video featuring all sorts of crazy Kit Kat flavors. Nom.
