Viva Nashvegas! Nelly’s Trademark Bid Blocked by the USPTO

Nashvegas. That’s where I live. You might know it by its real name, Nashville. I’ve had the following conversation many times while traveling: Person: “Where are you from?” Me: “Nashville.” Person: “Oooooh. Nashvegas! I was just there for a bachelorette party!” Anyway, I was scrolling through a docket report when I came across an appeal […]
How To Avoid A Trademark “Party Fowl”
Nashville is famous for being the home of country music, but it’s developing quite a reputation as a culinary hot spot. This has helped raise the profile of one of Nashville’s signature dishes: hot chicken. The origins of hot chicken can be traced to Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack. Thornton Price was rumored to be quite […]