Trademark Monitoring

Why trademark monitoring?

Trademark monitoring helps identify people who may be trying to register a trademark that may cause confusion with yours. Regularly monitoring filings with the USPTO is a great way to get in front of infringing trademarks and stop them before they become an issue.

Trust Tree Trademark Monitoring

Our trademark monitoring service uses cutting edge technology to scan the USPTO databases and to evaluate the potential threat of any trademark that has been filed. We send you weekly reports identifying potentially confusing trademarks. As part of our monitoring service, an attorney also reviews your reports and will consult with you regarding a strategy for addressing any potentially infringing trademarks.

$199.00 per year

    I have read, acknowledged, and agree to Trust Tree's Terms of Service. Having the authority to bind the owner of the aforementioned trademark, I agree to engage Trust Tree to fully represent the trademark owner in matters before the USPTO regarding the aforementioned trademark, and grant Trust Tree authority to take all actions necessary to secure the trademark, including, but not limited to, signing documents submitted to the USPTO on the trademark owner’s behalf.
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