How to search a word trademark for free

How To Do A USPTO Search Let’s walk through the mechanics of searching a trademark on the USPTO database. We’re based in Nashville, and we’re surrounded by distilleries. Let’s say that one of these distilleries comes up with the following tag line for one of its products: THE GRAND OLD DRINK OF THE SOUTH. To […]

How to search a logo for free

Let’s walk through the mechanics of doing a logo search on the USPTO database. In this example, we will assume that you want to use the logo below for legal services. To run a search on this logo, you should first navigate to the USPTO website. Click on “Trademarks” and select “Searching Trademarks”. Navigate to the […]

Introduction to trademark searching

Clearly, a good trademark is one that is not already used by another company. The basic test used by the USPTO when determining whether a mark can be registered and by the courts when determining infringement is whether there is a likelihood of confusion between the two marks. The USPTO will find a likelihood of […]