How to pick a company name

After you figure out your branding, you need to pick a company name that evokes that brand. Picking a good company name at the outset will maximize the value of your company name and will prevent a whole host of problems. Selecting and clearing good company names can be a frustrating and time consuming process, […]

Trademark distinctiveness

WARNING: Distinctiveness is the hardest concept to understand in all of trademark law. It is counter-intuitive and complex. Unfortunately, understanding it is the key to coming up with a good trademark. We’ve tried to make it as painless as possible, but it’s still terrible. In order to receive any sort of protection, trademarks must be […]

Trademarks types

There are three general categories of trademarks. “Word marks” consist solely of letters or numbers and do not contain any other information. “Stylized marks” consist of a design of some sort including logos, words in specific fonts, or combinations of each. There also a wide range of “non-traditional marks” including trade dress (product packaging), sounds, […]

Branding basics

There can be no doubt that brands are valuable. The contribution of branding to company value by the top brands is measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Your company’s success or failure depends on your brand. Although “brand” and “trademark” are often used interchangeably, there is a difference. A brand is what a […]