Pizza by Alfredo vs. Alfredo’s Pizza Café: Trademark Lessons from The Office
Part of my job is trademark enforcement, which typically involves sending cease-and-desist letters to infringers. Some lawyers take a slash-and-burn approach, threatening to rain legal hellfire down on the infringer if they don’t cease and desist. Others prefer an academic format, with letters that resemble a legal treatise on trademark infringement and unfair competition. Personally, […]
Counterfeits: More Annoying than a Mosquito on a Summer Night
Boy, is it ever hot in Tennessee right now. And, the mosquitos are thriving. Like an annoying mosquito on a warm, summer night, counterfeit products are hard to squish. The most significant indicator of an authentic product is the ™ or ®. However, many large brands do not use trademark symbols on their products, believing […]
Trademark Hell: Knockin’ on Heaven Hill’s Door
As Trust Tree’s resident bourbon expert* (sorry Bill & G) and Guns N’ Roses fan, I must uncork a post about the trademark dispute between Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc. and Heaven’s Door Spirits, LLC that recently spilled over into a federal lawsuit. Heaven’s Door is named after the famous song by Bob Dylan, who has […]
A Rolling Stone Gathers No Trademarks, But Consenting Stones Do
Consent agreements are a practical way for two parties with similar or identical trademarks to overcome a rejection for likelihood of confusion. Let’s learn by way of example. The Rolling Stones are playing in our hometown tonight. At least one member of the Trust Tree team will be in the crowd. The concert got me thinking […]
How To Avoid A Trademark “Party Fowl”
Nashville is famous for being the home of country music, but it’s developing quite a reputation as a culinary hot spot. This has helped raise the profile of one of Nashville’s signature dishes: hot chicken. The origins of hot chicken can be traced to Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack. Thornton Price was rumored to be quite […]